Hmmmm, Lets see..
I'll just keep posting and if my other posts get deleted again...
Then i'll CONFIRM run to somewhere else....
HAHAHAHHA! Its funny!
Hey you, out there! Are you a hacker? Youre happy with your life like this? AHAHAH!
People would ask you to get a proper life eh!!! Youre happy with whatcha doing right now?
You know wht?! If you go out there, out of your house, people are going to stare down on you and hate you forever...
THE OUTSIDE WORLD IS SCARY dont you know? Youre wasting your own time hacking ppl dont you thinK?
When ppl ask you, "wht are you good at?", And i bet you will answer, "I'm good at hacking ppl!"
HAAHHA! People are going to walk awya from you. Hey, let me say something... Thanks for being my EVERYDAY reader...
And if youre not happy with me, then i'll delete it? So you will be satisfied... But dont come and find me after i create another blog at another website... And if you hate me that much, then please look in the mirror first cause YOURE AINT ANY BETTER!
GET A LIFE HACKERS CAUSE YOUR LIFE SUCK! *Super junior Will Come and hunt you down if you dont stop, IDIOTS!
Hah! Short msg to the hacker... I dont know, but i dont know i had enermies.... I never had? Right?
Ohhhh well, Let that person hate me for life, cause tht person life aint gnna get better. SERIOUSLY!
Bye bye readers+hackers!
KyunHyuniie! ^^;;
So handsome... Y_Y *melts*